Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I'm doing this night shift gig for mtv and it's fun so far. Well, not the hours, but I prepped this past wknd to be able to stay up. And the first day I started, or night if you will, Ric and I didn't see each other for a whole day and we live together, lol.
Anyway, the people are really nice here and although there's the avg amount of stress expected during post and during the process of selling a series to a network, everybody's rather laid back compared to some past people I've worked with (who shall remain nameless, muahahaha).
Well, guess what? This whole show is similar to MADE and the first episode is about this woman who lives in Canarsie and undergoes all of these steps to become a singer/performer. So of course I've watched tons of footage of her - at her home, with her kids and ex-husband and father, etc., and during every phase of this process. Today I came in to work and there she was! She was called in to do some v.o. for our rough cuts.
There's always a star struck feeling that I get meeting people whose lives have unfolded to me on the footage which I watch nonstop at work. She has a very cool and funky sense of style and today she was wearing white leopard tights. :) Oh, and she's quite slim - the camera added a lot to her. Movie stars must be stick thin, I swear. It's insanity.
Anyway, it was quite the cool experience. I was very nice to her but kind of in my star struck haze. Nonetheless, we made small talk.
So I'm still at work and about to drink my banana and spinach shake. Good times.


  1. wow, cam's by day and mtv by night--how do you find the energy--is it the mysterious sounding banana spinach shake?

  2. Lol! Man, I was on this diet, the 80/10/10, and I know if I had stayed on it, I'd be an energy bandit! But alas, I'm not so much on it this week, but yes, those shakes definitely give me a jolt! So no camping this wknd or next, how about Memorial Day wknd after all???
