So back to this morning (Wed). Maybe due to the aforementioned security (or not?) the building security at work wouldn't let me in! None of my "contacts" were picking up their phones (for various reasnons, I came to find out) so I was s.o.l.
I finally got in and got an ID. They had an old picture of me from my last gig with the company (corporation? empire?) and it turned out it was when I had blonde hair. Haha. Or at least lotsa blonde streaks. Fun to see that, but I took a new photo. I thought that maybe I shouldn't, and I should be like Patsy (Absolutely Fabulous) and keep my same fresh-faced photo for the next 40 years. Lol.
Ah, so back to the waiting. I got to hang in Times Sq and people watch. Beautiful sunny day complete with those flute playing people who always manage to be playing in any open space in NYC. So I was chillin' and noticed THE ball. The 2010 ball. So I took a quick pic. :P
Oh, I also took a pic of the reallyyyy cool and oddly engrossing semi-new video screen on the Amer Eagle bldg. It intrigues me mostly due to to its geometric shape. It also occasionally displays HUGE photos of tourists in the store who give a "catch phrase" like I <3 Obama" and crap.
And lastly, my friends, I included pics of the chirashis that Ric crafted this past weekend. Chrirashis are fancy rice bowls with sashimi (raw fish) cut up and various other things. They go from 20-40 bucks usually. Ric got amazingly fresh fish from whole foods and put together these rice bowls. Keep in mind that the pics don't do it justice and that the bowls we use are for mammoth-sized people.
It was sooooo good -> melted in yer mouth. :)
Hope everyone's had a festive cinco de mayo! Ayyayyyyyy!

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