For those of you who don't already know, I'm attempting to start a tea house.
After many negotiations, one spot fell through. People are not willing to give reasonable prices. And this landlord wanted me to pay his yearly increasing real estate taxes. Wtf? Maybe it was a ploy for me to be super excited when he took that clause out of the lease. I was not. So yeah, that was a bummer, but I knew nothing in this process would be easy.
Right now my main prospect is the Valley Arts District in Orange, NJ. I am very excited about this up and coming neighborhood that one "can't tell apart from Brooklyn" right now. Haha. Bringing me back to my roots, perhaps?
If you or anyone you know have any tidbits to share about this area, please don't hesitate to write to me at or
In the meantime, I was recently a part of this art show. Small, but quite fun. I will post pictures as soon as I have them.
I put two pieces in the show and also read tea leaves as a performance piece. I did a bit of research into this process and it's really interesting! I'd love to get into it more and perhaps have tea leaf readings at the shop in the future.

hey--you never posted pictures!! can you believe this was almost a year ago already.