Thursday, June 22, 2006

Listening to The Clash's This is Radio Clash, feelin' good

Day's almost done here in my cubicle lifeforce pod. After the initial desire to find any sharp object and use it against myself, I'm okay with working in this office. For now. At least I have a job and won't starve (haha, yeah right, me starve). I watched Bruce Almighty last nite (why??? -I'm not sure myself). The whole premise is this idiot (Jim Carrey of course) renounces god because his life is so horrible. But basically he doesn't get a news anchor job -ooo, Brianne, the news director would have a lot to say about that- and he steps in puddles and gets caught in traffic. WTF??? How sick and spoiled and disgusting are we as Americans? It makes me nauseous. I know it's just a stupid and poorly written plotline in a movie, but the core of the premise is what really gets me. So I'm applying that to my life and even though this job has the potential to suck out my soul completely--> what, am I being tortured? Is data entry and researching different types of colored avery binders really going to kill me? Is it that much misery? I think not.
I will try and digress. I've been fighting a cold or something lately. I need to be well for priiiide. Woohoo. I'm pretty sure I'm marching with the radical queers at the dyke march on Sat. I'm looking forward to it.
I'm going to see an apt today. Not sure if I can actually afford to move right now, but it's nice to see what there is out there. Having my own place will officially make me an adult. (?) Yick. Scary. But also freeing. I wonder how many women out there, in the entire world really, don't get the chance to live on their own. Occupy their own space. It kinda rocks, for me.
Over and out.

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